This could be a better Blue Monday for me! This is my first Candy Mani and I am not happy with the results but, I’m going to post it anyway and maybe you can share your tips with me! Please!
If you don’t know what a candy mani is, it is a manicure with 3 layered lacquers, plus base coat and top coat, 5 total to make a candy mani.
The secret is that 2 lacquers have to be close in color and 1 out of the 2 has to be a sorbet or jelly, which goes on top of the glitter to make really shiny. When doing this mani you have to really dry each layer before applying the next one.
FYI- A sorbet or jelly lacquer is translucent. If you roll the bottle around the lacquer is more watery appearing plus its really shiny after it drys.
Then the 3rd lacquer has to be a glitter. Basically you are making a glitter sandwich.
I used 1 coat of each in this order: Zoya Tart, OPI Crown Me Already, and OPI Dating A Royal. The 2 blues are very close in color. And of course base coat and a coat of top coat.
It is supposed to be extra shiny and glittery but mine wasn’t! I think it was my choice of glitter, I used one with big chunks of glitter and it probably would have been better if is used a small glitter lacquer like Spark De Triomphe.
I was so disappointed that I even put a coat of OPI I Juggle…Men to see if it would help but, I couldn’t tell any difference!
Well I haven’t given up; I’m going to try again. Have you done a Candy Mani?